All Classes and Interfaces

Jackson Deserializer for lists and Custom Scalars.
Jackson Deserializer for lists and Custom Scalars.
This class contains the description for a GraphQL request that will be sent to the server.
This class contains the payload that will be sent to the server.
A global Fragment, when applied, has a name and may have one or more directives.
This builder is provided for compatibility of existing code, that would have been developed before the 1.6 release.
scan all GraphQLRepositoryFactory annotated interfaces from specified packages.
This class is a standard Deserializer for Jackson.
This class is a standard Deserializer for Jackson.
This class represents a custom scalar, with all the information to allow proper execution of the generated code
Registry for all GraphQLScalarType available.
This object can represent both: A directive definition, as defined in the GraphQL schema, or as a standard GraphQL directive (skip, include, deprecated).
All possible directive locations
Registry for all GraphQL directives that are available, that is: the GraphQL standard directives and the ones that are defined in the GraphQL schema.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
The error POJO, mapped from the GraphQL server response, when an error occurs
This annotation contains the information for a directive that was applied to a GraphQL item in the GraphQL schema used to generate the code.
List of all directives that apply to this GraphQL type, field or parameter
This annotation marks the type, field or method as a non GraphQL one.
This class indicates that this field has at least one input parameter.
This annotation marks all generated classes that are generated to match a GraphQL input type, as defined in the GraphQL schema.
This interface marks a class as being the non reactive executor for a GraphQL mutation.
This interface marks a class as being the reactive executor for a GraphQL mutation.
This annotation marks all fields in the generated classes, that are non scalar.
This class is a wrapper around an ObjectMapper.
This Spring AutoConfiguration class defines the default Spring Beans for this GraphQL schema.
This annotation marks all generated classes that are queries/mutations/subscription, as defined in the GraphQL schema.
This interface marks a class as being the non reactive executor for a GraphQL query.
This interface marks a class as being the reactive executor for a GraphQL query.
Implementation of ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar, that scans the given package for GraphQLRepository annotated interfaces, and register dynamic proxies as beans.
This class is responsible to execute the method call to GraphQLRepository.
The GraphQLRepositoryInvocationHandlers are created for each interface marked by the GraphQLRepository annotation by the GraphQLRepositoryProxyBeansRegistrar Spring configuration class.
Implementation of ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar, that scans the given package for GraphQLRepository annotated interfaces, and register dynamic proxies as beans.
Thrown when an error occurs during the request execution.
This class is the unchecked exception version of the GraphQLRequestExecutionException.
This interface marks a class as being the implementation for the GraphQL type defined in the GraphQL schema, that is a query, a mutation or a subscription.
Thrown when an error occurs during the request preparation.
This annotation marks all fields in the generated classes, that are standard GraphQL scalar.
A proposed Date scalar, that stores dates in String, formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD
This Scalar is proposed to be used, for integration testing (checks that the plugin correctly manages Custom Scalars, see samples) and with more documentation to help people to create their own Custom Scalar implementations.
A proposed DateTime scalar, that stores dates in String, formatted as: 2019-07-03T20:47:55Z
This Scalar is proposed to be used, for integration testing (checks that the plugin correctly manages Custom Scalars, see samples) and with more documentation to help people to create their own Custom Scalar implementations.
ID are managed as String, on client side.
ID are managed as UUID, on server side.
Useless String scalar.
It's used both as a sample, to be completed by a developper, according to his/her needs, and for the use in some tests of the plugin logic (like in the Shopify sample, to handle (badly) various scalar as based on strings).
It's actually a bad management, as this custom scalars does nothing, but read basic strings.
This interface marks a class as being the (non reactive) executor for a GraphQL subscription.
This interface marks a class as being the reactive executor for a GraphQL subscription.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
Contains an input parameter, to be sent to a query (mutation...).
Indicates the kind of parameter
The main class, which executes the same queries, built by three different methods.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the MutationType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows: Preparation of full requests Execution of prepared full requests Execution of direct full direct requests Preparation of partial requests Execution of prepared partial requests Execution of direct partial requests You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the MutationType of the GraphQL schema.
This class is used to retrieve the OAuth token, when in client mode, for subscription.
An implementation of a spring ClientResponse, that will contain the faked response, which body is the value for the Authorization header (that contains the bearer token)
This class filters the dummy request, and respond by the OAuthTokenExtractor.GetOAuthTokenClientResponse when the OAuthTokenExtractor.DUMMY_REQUEST is executed
This useless class is here only for compatibility with existing code, developped before the 1.6 release.
This class implements the simplest way to call GraphQl queries, with the GraphQL Java Generator
This class implements the away to call GraphQl queries, where all queries are prepared before execution.
The advantages are: Performance: this avoid to build an ObjectResponse for each response.
These are samples of queries that can be used with GraphQL against the Star Wars GraphQL schema.
This class gives parsing capabilities for the QueryString for one object.
For instance, for the GraphQL query queryType.boards("{id name publiclyAvailable topics(since: \"2018-12-20\"){id}}"), it is created for the field named boards, then the #readTokenizerForResponseDefinition(StringTokenizer) is called for the whole String.
This class is responsible to split the GraphQL query into meaningful tokens: the spaces, EOL (...) are removed and the (, @, { (...) are sent as token.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the QueryType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows: Preparation of full requests Execution of prepared full requests Execution of direct full direct requests Preparation of partial requests Execution of prepared partial requests Execution of direct partial requests You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the QueryType of the GraphQL schema.
This class contains a portion of GraphQL request.
List of the three GraphQL kind of requests: query, mutation and subscription
This class
This interface will receive the notification for each message that comes from a subscription.
This interface allows the application to interact with the subscription, once it has subscribed to it.
Default implementation for the SubscriptionClient interface.
Since 2.x release, this class is quite useless.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the subscriptions that are defined in the SubscriptionType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows: Preparation of partial subscription requests Execution of partial prepared subscription requests Execution of partial direct subscription requests You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the subscriptions that are defined in the SubscriptionType of the GraphQL schema.
Various methods used by the velocity templates while generating the code.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.
The Builder that helps building instance of this POJO.