Class RawGraphQLString


public class RawGraphQLString extends Object
This class contains a portion of GraphQL request. It's typically the GraphQL part for the definition of a parameter, like in the human and anArray parameters in the GraphQL request below:
        mutation {createHuman (human:  {name: "a name with two { { and a } ", friends: [], appearsIn: [JEDI,NEWHOPE], type: "a type" } )
 @testDirective(value:&value, anotherValue:?anotherValue, anArray  : [  "a string that contains [ [ and ] that should be ignored" ,  "another string" ] ,
 anObject:{name: "a name" , [{name="subname"}],type:"type"}) 
 {id name appearsIn friends {id name}}}
It's used to store parameters value that are given in their GraphQL form, when declaring queries. It must be of a type that is not a String, for the InputParameter#getStringContentForGraphqlQuery(Object, graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType) to work. In this method, double quotes are added to limit the values of Strings.
  • Constructor Details

    • RawGraphQLString

      public RawGraphQLString(String str)
  • Method Details