Class GraphqlClientUtils


@Component public class GraphqlClientUtils extends Object
  • Field Details

    • graphqlClientUtils

      public static GraphqlClientUtils graphqlClientUtils
      This singleton is usable in default method, within interfaces
  • Constructor Details

    • GraphqlClientUtils

      public GraphqlClientUtils()
  • Method Details

    • checkName

      public void checkName(String graphqlIdentifier) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Checks that the given GraphQL name is valid.
      graphqlIdentifier -
      NullPointerException - If name is null
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - If the given graphqlIdentifier is not a valid identifier
    • checkIsScalar

      public Class<?> checkIsScalar(Field field, Boolean shouldBeScalar) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method checks whether the given field (as an attribute) of the given class is a GraphQL scalar, or not, depending on shouldBeScalar.
      field - The field whose type should be (or not) a scalar
      shouldBeScalar - if true, this method checks that field's type is a scalar (if false, checks that it is not a scalar)
      Returns the Class indicated as the value for the graphqlType attribute of the GraphQLScalar or GraphQLNonScalar annotation
    • checkIsScalar

      public Class<?> checkIsScalar(String fieldName, Method method, Boolean shouldBeScalar) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method checks whether the given field (as a method: getter, query...) of the given class is a GraphQL scalar, or not, depending on shouldBeScalar.
      fieldName - the name of the field represented by the given method.
      method - The method whose return should be (or not) a scalar. This method can be a setter, a getter (in which case its name is different from the fieldName), or a query/mutation/subscription (in which case its name is the fieldName)
      shouldBeScalar - if true, this method checks that method return type is a scalar (if false, checks that it is not a scalar)
    • isScalar

      public boolean isScalar(AccessibleObject fieldOrMethod) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Indicates whether the given class is a scalar or not
      fieldOrMethod -
      true if clazz is a scalar type
    • getClass

      public Class<?> getClass(String packageName, String graphQLTypeName, String schema)
      Retrieves a class for a given classname. For standard GraphQL types (Int, Boolean...) the good package is used (java.lang, java.lang, java.util...). For others, the class is retrieved from the generated GraphQLTypeMapping.
      packageName - The name of the package, where the code has been generated.
      graphQLTypeName - The name of the class
      schema - value of the springBeanSuffix plugin parameter for the searched schema. When there is only one schema, this plugin parameter is usually not set. In this case, its default value ("") is used.
    • getDeclaredField

      public Field getDeclaredField(Class<?> owningClass, String fieldName, boolean mustFindField) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Returns a Field from the given class.
      owningClass - The class that should contain this field. If the class's name finishes by Response, as an empty XxxResponse class is created for each Query/Mutation/Subscription (to be compatible with previsous version), then this method also looks in the owningClass's superclass.
      fieldName - The name of the searched field
      mustFindField - If true and the field is not found, a GraphQLRequestPreparationException is thrown.
      If false an the field is not found, the method returns null
    • getFieldType

      public Class<?> getFieldType(Class<?> owningClass, String fieldName, boolean returnIsMandatory) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Retrieves the class of the fieldName field of the owningClass class.
      owningClass -
      fieldName -
      returnIsMandatory - If true, a GraphQLRequestPreparationException is thrown if the field is not found.
      The class of the field. Or null of the field doesn't exist, and returnIdMandatory is false
    • getGraphQLType

      public Class<?> getGraphQLType(AccessibleObject fieldOrMethod) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Returns the Class indicated as the value for the graphqlType attribute of the GraphQLScalar or GraphQLNonScalar annotation
      fieldOrMethod -
    • checkFieldOfGraphQLType

      public Class<?> checkFieldOfGraphQLType(String name, Boolean shouldBeScalar, Class<?> owningClass) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Check if the given field is owned by the class of this ObjectResponse. This method returns the class for this field.
      name - The name of the field we want to check
      shouldBeScalar - if true: also checks that the field is a scalar (throws a GraphQLRequestPreparationException if not). If false: also checks that the field is not a scalar (throws a GraphQLRequestPreparationException if not). If null: no check whether the field is a scalar or not
      owningClass - The class in which will search for name as a GraphQL field
      the class of this field
      NullPointerException - if name is null
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - if the check is KO
    • generatesBindVariableValuesMap

      public Map<String,Object> generatesBindVariableValuesMap(Object[] paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, ClassCastException
      This method retrieves the couple of name and values given in these parameters, stores them in a map where the key is the param name, and the value is the value of the Map.
      paramsAndValues - A series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...). So there must be an even number of items in this array. Empty arrays are allowed (that is no parameter name and value).
      This series is sent by the developer's code, when it calls the request methods.
      The map with paramName1, paramName2 (...) are the keys, and paramValue1, paramValue2 (...) are the associated content.
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When a non-even number of parameters is sent to this method
      ClassCastException - When a parameter name is not a String
    • parseValueForInputParameter

      public Object parseValueForInputParameter(Object parameterValue, String parameterType, Class<?> parameterClass, String schema)
      Parse a value, depending on the parameter type.
      parameterValue -
      parameterType -
      packageName -
      schema - value of the springBeanSuffix plugin parameter for the searched schema. When there is only one schema, this plugin parameter is usually not set. In this case, its default value ("") is used.
      RuntimeException - When the value could be parsed
    • getGraphQLTypeNameFromClass

      public String getGraphQLTypeNameFromClass(Class<?> clazz)
      Retrieves the GraphQL type name (as defined in the GraphQL schema), from the GraphQL annotation added in the generated code by the plugin.
      clazz -
    • getGraphQLCustomScalarType

      public graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType getGraphQLCustomScalarType(AccessibleObject fieldOrMethod, String schema)
      This method retrieves the GraphQLScalarType for a custom scalar field or method. GraphQLScalar is used in generated InputType and response type POJOs and GraphQLCustomScalar is used in some legacy generated response type POJOs.
      fieldOrMethod - The field or method of the generated POJO class
      schema - value of the springBeanSuffix plugin parameter for the searched schema. When there is only one schema, this plugin parameter is usually not set. In this case, its default value ("") is used.
      the GraphQLScalarType
    • getGraphQLScalarTypeFromName

      public graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType getGraphQLScalarTypeFromName(String typeName, String schema)
      Returns the GraphQL scalar type for the given Standard or Custom Scalar name, as defined in the GraphQL schema. The GraphQLScalarType contains the method that allows to parse a String value, parse an AST value, or serialize the value (for instance to write it into a JSON string)
      typeName -
      schema - value of the springBeanSuffix plugin parameter for the searched schema. When there is only one schema, this plugin parameter is usually not set. In this case, its default value ("") is used.
      The GraphQL type. Or null if not found (enum, object, input type, interface, union)