Class QueryTypeExecutor

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Component public class QueryTypeExecutor extends Object implements GraphQLQueryExecutor
This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the QueryType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows:
  • Preparation of full requests
  • Execution of prepared full requests
  • Execution of direct full direct requests
  • Preparation of partial requests
  • Execution of prepared partial requests
  • Execution of direct partial requests
You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.
generated by graphql-java-generator
  • Constructor Details

    • QueryTypeExecutor

      public QueryTypeExecutor()
  • Method Details

    • execWithBindValues

      public QueryType execWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method takes a full request definition, and executes it against the GraphQL server. As this class is a query executor, the provided request must be a query full request.
      This method offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it: This method takes a full request definition, and executes it against the GraphQL server. That is, the query contains the full string that follows the query keyword.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above). It must omit the query keyword, and start by the first { that follows. It may contain directives, as explained in the GraphQL specs.
      parameters - The map of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map. The key is the parameter name, as declared in the request you defined (in the above sample: param is an optional parameter and skip is a mandatory one). The value is the parameter value in its Java type (for instance a Date for the GraphQLScalarTypeDate). The parameters which value is missing in this map will be ignored.
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • exec

      public QueryType exec(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method takes a full request definition, and executes it against the GraphQL server. As this class is a query executor, the provided request must be a query full request.
      This method offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above). It must omit the query keyword, and start by the first { that follows. It may contain directives, as explained in the GraphQL specs.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • execWithBindValues

      public QueryType execWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method takes a full request definition, and executes it against the GraphQL server. As this class is a query executor, the provided request must be a query full request.
      This method offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method or one of the getXxxxGraphQLRequest(String) methods.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • exec

      public QueryType exec(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method takes a full request definition, and executes it against the GraphQL server. As this class is a query executor, the provided request must be a query full request.
      This method offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method or one of the getXxxxGraphQLRequest(String)
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getResponseBuilder

      public Builder getResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for a full request, as expected by the exec and execWithBindValues methods.
    • getGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest getGraphQLRequest(String fullRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for full request. For instance:
       GraphQLRequest request = new GraphQLRequest(fullRequest);
      fullRequest - The full GraphQL Request, as specified in the GraphQL specification
    • heroWithBindValues

      public Character heroWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Episode episode, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the hero query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the hero of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      episode - Parameter for the hero field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • hero

      public Character hero(String queryResponseDef, Episode episode, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the hero query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the hero of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      episode - Parameter for the hero field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • heroWithBindValues

      public Character heroWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Episode episode, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getHeroGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      episode - Parameter for the hero field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • hero

      public Character hero(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Episode episode, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getHeroGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      episode - Parameter for the hero field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getHeroResponseBuilder

      public Builder getHeroResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the Character, as expected by the hero query.
    • getHeroGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest getHeroGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the hero EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • charactersWithBindValues

      public List<Character> charactersWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Episode episode, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the characters query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the characters of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      episode - Parameter for the characters field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • characters

      public List<Character> characters(String queryResponseDef, Episode episode, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the characters query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the characters of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      episode - Parameter for the characters field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • charactersWithBindValues

      public List<Character> charactersWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Episode episode, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getCharactersGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      episode - Parameter for the characters field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • characters

      public List<Character> characters(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Episode episode, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getCharactersGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      episode - Parameter for the characters field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getCharactersResponseBuilder

      public Builder getCharactersResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the Character, as expected by the characters query.
    • getCharactersGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest getCharactersGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the characters EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • humanWithBindValues

      public Human humanWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, String id, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the human query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the human of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      id - Parameter for the human field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • human

      public Human human(String queryResponseDef, String id, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the human query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the human of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      id - Parameter for the human field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • humanWithBindValues

      public Human humanWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String id, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getHumanGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      id - Parameter for the human field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • human

      public Human human(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String id, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getHumanGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      id - Parameter for the human field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getHumanResponseBuilder

      public Builder getHumanResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the Human, as expected by the human query.
    • getHumanGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest getHumanGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the human EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • droidWithBindValues

      public Droid droidWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, String id, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the droid query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the droid of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      id - Parameter for the droid field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • droid

      public Droid droid(String queryResponseDef, String id, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the droid query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the droid of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      id - Parameter for the droid field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • droidWithBindValues

      public Droid droidWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String id, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getDroidGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      id - Parameter for the droid field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • droid

      public Droid droid(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String id, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the getDroidGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      id - Parameter for the droid field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getDroidResponseBuilder

      public Builder getDroidResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the Droid, as expected by the droid query.
    • getDroidGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest getDroidGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the droid EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • __schemaWithBindValues

      public __Schema __schemaWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the __schema query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the __schema of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __schema

      public __Schema __schema(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the __schema query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the __schema of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __schemaWithBindValues

      public __Schema __schemaWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the get__schemaGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __schema

      public __Schema __schema(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the get__schemaGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • get__schemaResponseBuilder

      public Builder get__schemaResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the __Schema, as expected by the __schema query.
    • get__schemaGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest get__schemaGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the __schema EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • __typeWithBindValues

      public __Type __typeWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, String name, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the __type query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the __type of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      name - Parameter for the __type field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __type

      public __Type __type(String queryResponseDef, String name, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the __type query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the __type of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      name - Parameter for the __type field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __typeWithBindValues

      public __Type __typeWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String name, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the get__typeGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      name - Parameter for the __type field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __type

      public __Type __type(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String name, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the get__typeGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      name - Parameter for the __type field of QueryType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • get__typeResponseBuilder

      public Builder get__typeResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the __Type, as expected by the __type query.
    • get__typeGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest get__typeGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the __type EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • __typenameWithBindValues

      public String __typenameWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the __typename query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the __typename of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __typename

      public String __typename(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method executes a partial query on the __typename query against the GraphQL server. That is, the query is one of the field of the QueryType type defined in the GraphQL schema. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the query that follows the field name.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method takes care of writing the query name, and the parameter(s) for the query. The given queryResponseDef describes the format of the response of the server response, that is the expected fields of the __typename of the QueryType query type. It can be something like "{ id name }", or "" for a scalar. Please take a look at the StarWars, Forum and other samples for more complex queries.
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __typenameWithBindValues

      public String __typenameWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the get__typenameGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables declared in the request you defined. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • __typename

      public String __typename(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method is expected by the graphql-java framework. It will be called when this query is called. It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      This method is valid for queries/mutations/subscriptions which don't have bind variables, as there is no parameters argument to pass the list of values.
      Here is a sample:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequest POJO, as returned by the get__typenameGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • get__typenameResponseBuilder

      public Builder get__typenameResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the String, as expected by the __typename query.
    • get__typenameGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLRequest get__typenameGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequest for the __typename EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation