Package com.generated.graphql.util
package com.generated.graphql.util
ClassesClassDescriptionThis class is a standard Deserializer for Jackson.This class is a standard Deserializer for Jackson.Thanks to spring-graphql, the POJO classes are auto-magically discovered and mapped.This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the MutationType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows: Preparation of full requests Execution of prepared full requests Execution of direct full direct requests Preparation of partial requests Execution of prepared partial requests Execution of direct partial requests You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the MutationType of the GraphQL schema.This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the QueryType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows: Preparation of full requests Execution of prepared full requests Execution of direct full direct requests Preparation of partial requests Execution of prepared partial requests Execution of direct partial requests You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the queries or mutations that are defined in the QueryType of the GraphQL schema.This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the subscriptions that are defined in the SubscriptionType of the GraphQL schema.
These methods allows: Preparation of partial subscription requests Execution of partial prepared subscription requests Execution of partial direct subscription requests You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the subscriptions that are defined in the SubscriptionType of the GraphQL schema.