Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
graphql-java-common-dependencies Dependencies for the graphql-java-common-runtime module. It contains all the dependencies for this module, so that they can be used both from the client or server runtime, of from the generated code when the runtime code is copied into the project's target folder
graphql-java-common-runtime Java classes that are common to both the client and the server runtimes
graphql-java-client-dependencies This pom module contains the needed dependencies for the code generated by graphql-java-generator, when the plugin is in client mode, and the copyRuntimeSources plugin parameters is set to true
graphql-java-client-runtime This project is an accelerator to develop GraphQL clients and GraphQL servers in java. That is, it generates the boilerplate code, and let you concentrate on what's specific to your use case: the queries/mutations/subscriptions you will call, when in client mode. And the response to the queries/mutations/subscriptions call, as well as the relations between objects, when in server mode.
graphql-java-server-runtime This project is an accelerator to develop GraphQL clients and GraphQL servers in java. That is, it generates the boilerplate code, and let you concentrate on what's specific to your use case: the queries/mutations/subscriptions you will call, when in client mode. And the response to the queries/mutations/subscriptions call, as well as the relations between objects, when in server mode.
graphql-java-server-dependencies This pom module contains the needed dependencies for the code generated by graphql-java-generator, when the plugin is in server mode. When you use maven plugin or the gradle plugin, just add this dependency so that the generated code embeds the necessary dependencies: <dependency><groupId></groupId> <artifactId>mvn-web-deps</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <type>pom</type> </dependency>
graphql-maven-plugin-logic This project is an accelerator to develop GraphQL clients and GraphQL servers in java. That is, it generates the boilerplate code, and let you concentrate on what's specific to your use case: the queries/mutations/subscriptions you will call, when in client mode. And the response to the queries/mutations/subscriptions call, as well as the relations between objects, when in server mode.
graphql-maven-plugin Maven plugin to generate the graphql code, based on graphql schema files
graphql-maven-plugin-samples This maven pom project embeds the various samples for the graphql-maven-plugin. These samples act both as samples, and integration tests, to validate the behavior of the plugin in different configurations.