Interface EnumValue

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EnumValue
Represents one of the possible values of a GraphQL Enum. An EnumValue is actually a name, and the list of directives that have been defined for this enum value, in the GraphQL shema.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the list of directives that have been defined for this field, in the GraphQL schema
    default String
    The name of the field, as it can be used in the Java code.
    The name of the field, as found in the GraphQL schema
    Returns the package's name where the GraphQL objects from the GraphQL schema must be generated.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the field, as found in the GraphQL schema
      The name of the field
    • getJavaName

      default String getJavaName()
      The name of the field, as it can be used in the Java code. If the name is a java keyword (class, default, break...), the java name it prefixed by an underscore.
      The name of the field, as it can be used in Java code
    • getPackageName

      String getPackageName()
      Returns the package's name where the GraphQL objects from the GraphQL schema must be generated.
    • getAppliedDirectives

      List<AppliedDirective> getAppliedDirectives()
      Returns the list of directives that have been defined for this field, in the GraphQL schema