Class AbstractGenerateServerCodeMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
CommonConfiguration, GenerateCodeCommonConfiguration, GenerateServerCodeConfiguration, org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractGraphQLMojo, GenerateServerCodeMojo

public abstract class AbstractGenerateServerCodeMojo extends AbstractGenerateCodeCommonMojo implements GenerateServerCodeConfiguration
This class is the super class of all Mojos that generates the code, that is the GenerateServerCodeMojo and the GraphQLMojo mojos. It contains all parameters that are common to these goals. The parameters common to all goal are inherited from the AbstractGenerateCodeCommonMojo class.
This avoids to redeclare each common parameter in each Mojo, including its comment. When a comment is updated, only one update is necessary, instead of updating it in each
  • Field Details

    • generateBatchLoaderEnvironment

      @Parameter(property="com.graphql_java_generator.mavenplugin.generateBatchLoaderEnvironment", defaultValue="true") public boolean generateBatchLoaderEnvironment

      (only for server mode) Indicates if the plugin should generate add the BatchLoaderEnvironment parameter to the batchLoader methods, in DataFetchersDelegate. This parameter allows to get the context of the Batch Loader, including the context associated to the id, when using the id has been added by the DataLoader.load(Object, Object) method.

      For instance, if you have the method below, for a field named oneWithIdSubType in a DataFetcherDelegate:

       public CompletableFuture<AllFieldCasesWithIdSubtype> oneWithIdSubType(
                      DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, DataLoader<UUID, AllFieldCasesWithIdSubtype> dataLoader,
                      AllFieldCases source, Boolean uppercase) {
              return dataLoader.load(UUID.randomUUID());

      then, in the AllFieldCasesWithIdSubtype DataFetcherDelegate, you can retrieve the uppercase this way:

       public List<AllFieldCasesWithIdSubtype> batchLoader(List<UUID> keys, BatchLoaderEnvironment environment) {
              List<AllFieldCasesWithIdSubtype> list = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());
              for (UUID id : keys) {
                      // Let's manage the uppercase parameter, that was associated with this key
                      Boolean uppercase = (Boolean) environment.getKeyContexts().get(id);
                      if (uppercase != null && uppercase) {
                      // Do something with the id and the uppercase value
              return list;

      For more complex cases, you can store a Map with all the needed values, instead of just the parameter value.

      The default value changed since 2.0 version: it is false in 1.x version, and true since the 2.0 version

    • generateDataFetcherForEveryFieldsWithArguments

      @Parameter(property="com.graphql_java_generator.mavenplugin.generateDataFetcherForEveryFieldsWithArguments", defaultValue="false") public boolean generateDataFetcherForEveryFieldsWithArguments

      (only for server mode, since 2.5) Defines if a data fetcher is needed for every GraphQL field that has input argument, and add them in the generated POJOs. This allows a better compatibility with spring-graphql, and an easy access to the field's parameters.

      With this argument to false, the data fetchers are generated only for field which type is a type (not a scalar or an enum), and for the query, mutation and subscription types.

      With this argument to true, the data fetchers are generated for all GraphQL fields which type is a type (not a scalar or an enum) or that has one or arguments

      This parameter is available since version 2.5. Its default value is false in 2.x versions for backward compatibility with existing implementations based on the plugin. But the recommended value is true.

    • javaTypeForIDType

      @Parameter(property="com.graphql_java_generator.mavenplugin.javaTypeForIDType", defaultValue="java.util.UUID") public String javaTypeForIDType

      The javaTypeForIDType is the java class that is used in the generated code for GraphQL fields that are of the GraphQL ID type. The default value is java.util.UUID. Valid values are: java.lang.String, java.lang.Long and java.util.UUID.

      This parameter is only valid for the server mode. When generating the client code, the ID is always generated as a String type, as recommended in the GraphQL doc.

      In other words: when in server mode and javaTypeForIDType is not set, all GraphQL ID fields are UUID attributes in java. When in server mode and javaTypeForIDType is set to the X type, all GraphQL ID fields are X attributes in java.

      Note: you can override this, by using the schema personalization capability. For more information, please have a look at the Schema Personalization doc page.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractGenerateServerCodeMojo

      protected AbstractGenerateServerCodeMojo(Class<?> springConfigurationClass)
  • Method Details