Class DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1Impl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Component public class DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1Impl extends Object implements DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
  • Constructor Details

    • DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1Impl

      public DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1Impl()
  • Method Details

    • bar

      public CompletableFuture<SIP_IBar1_SIS> bar(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, org.dataloader.DataLoader<UUID,SIP_IBar1_SIS> dataLoader, SIP_IFoo1_SIS origin)
      Description copied from interface: DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
      This method loads the data for
      For optimization, this method returns a CompletableFuture. This allows to use graphql-java java-dataloader to highly optimize the number of requests to the server.
      The principle is this one: The data loader collects all the data to load, avoid to load several times the same data, and allows parallel execution of the queries, if multiple queries are to be run.
      You can implements this method like this:
      Specified by:
      bar in interface DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
      dataFetchingEnvironment - The GraphQL DataFetchingEnvironment. It gives you access to the full GraphQL context for this DataFetcher
      dataLoader - The DataLoader allows to load several data in one query. It allows to solve the (n+1) queries issues, and greatly optimizes the response time.
      You'll find more informations here:
      origin - The object from which the field is fetch. In other word: the aim of this data fetcher is to fetch the bar attribute of the origin, which is an instance of {InterfaceType {name:IFoo1, fields:{Field{name:id, type:ID, params:[]},Field{name:bar, type:IBar1, params:[]}}, comments ""}. It depends on your data modle, but it typically contains the id to use in the query.
    • bar

      public SIP_IBar1_SIS bar(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, SIP_IFoo1_SIS origin)
      Description copied from interface: DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
      This method loads the data for
      Specified by:
      bar in interface DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
      dataFetchingEnvironment - The GraphQL DataFetchingEnvironment. It gives you access to the full GraphQL context for this DataFetcher
      origin - The object from which the field is fetch. In other word: the aim of this data fetcher is to fetch the bar attribute of the origin, which is an instance of {InterfaceType {name:IFoo1, fields:{Field{name:id, type:ID, params:[]},Field{name:bar, type:IBar1, params:[]}}, comments ""}. It depends on your data modle, but it typically contains the id to use in the query.
    • batchLoader

      public List<SIP_IFoo1_SIS> batchLoader(List<UUID> keys, org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment environment)
      Description copied from interface: DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
      This method loads a list of ${}, based on the list of id to be fetched. This method is used by graphql-java java-dataloader to highly optimize the number of requests to the server, when recursing down through the object associations.
      You can find more information on this page: graphql-java batching
      Important notes:
      • The list returned by this method must be sorted in the exact same order as the given keys list. If values are missing (no value for a given key), then the returned list must contain a null value at this key's position.
      • One of batchLoader or unorderedReturnBatchLoader must be overriden in the data fetcher implementation. If not, then a NullPointerException will be thrown at runtime, with a proper error message.
      • If your data storage implementation makes it complex to return values in the same order as the keys list, then it's easier to override unorderedReturnBatchLoader, and let the default implementation of batchLoader order the values
      Specified by:
      batchLoader in interface DataFetchersDelegateIFoo1
      keys - A list of ID's id, for which the matching objects must be returned
      environment - The Data Loader environment
      A list of IDs