Class IFoo2Controller


@Controller @SchemaMapping(typeName="IFoo2") public class IFoo2Controller extends Object
generated by graphql-java-generator
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • IFoo2Controller

      public IFoo2Controller(org.springframework.graphql.execution.BatchLoaderRegistry registry)
  • Method Details

    • bar

      @SchemaMapping(field="bar") public Object bar(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, org.dataloader.DataLoader<UUID,SIP_IBar2_SIS> dataLoader, SIP_IFoo2_SIS origin)
      This method loads the data for ${dataFetcher.graphQLType}.bar. It returns an Object: the data fetcher implementation may return any type that is accepted by a spring-graphql controller
      dataFetchingEnvironment - The GraphQL DataFetchingEnvironment. It gives you access to the full GraphQL context for this DataFetcher
      dataLoader - The DataLoader allows to load several data in one query. It allows to solve the (n+1) queries issues, and greatly optimizes the response time.
      You'll find more informations here:
      origin - The object from which the field is fetch. In other word: the aim of this data fetcher is to fetch the author attribute of the origin, which is an instance of {ObjectType {name:Post, fields:{Field{name:id, type:ID!, params:[]},Field{name:date, type:Date!, params:[]},Field{name:author, type:Member, params:[]},Field{name:publiclyAvailable, type:Boolean, params:[]},Field{name:title, type:String!, params:[]},Field{name:content, type:String!, params:[]},Field{name:authorId, type:ID, params:[]},Field{name:topicId, type:ID, params:[]}}, comments ""}. It depends on your data modle, but it typically contains the id to use in the query.
      It may return any value that is valid for a spring-graphql controller, annotated by the @SchemaMapping annotation
      NoSuchElementException - This method may return a NoSuchElementException exception. In this case, the exception is trapped by the calling method, and the return is consider as null. This allows to use the Optional.get() method directly, without caring of whether or not there is a value. The generated code will take care of the NoSuchElementException exception.