Interface PartialQueries

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PartialDirectQueries, PartialPreparedQueries, PartialPreparedQueriesDeprecatedWay

public interface PartialQueries
These are samples of partialQueries that can be used with GraphQL against the allGraphQLCases GraphQL schema. There are implemented in three ways in these classes: PartialDirectQueries, PartialWithBuilder, PartialPreparedQueries.
You can see use of these partialQueries in the JUnit tests.
These samples tests the execution of partial partialQueries, that is: calling for one of the query, mutation or subscription that is defined in a Query, a Mutation or a Subscription object.
For instance:
 CIP_Character_CIS character = query.withEnum("{id name appearsIn homePlanet friends{name}}", "180");