Class TheSubscriptionTypeReactiveExecutorAllGraphQLCases2

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Component public class TheSubscriptionTypeReactiveExecutorAllGraphQLCases2 extends Object implements GraphQLSubscriptionReactiveExecutor
A mono line description for TheSubscriptionType This class contains the methods that allows the execution of the subscriptions that are defined in the TheSubscriptionType of the GraphQL schema. All the methods for this executor are in spring reactive, that is: they return a Flux.
These methods allows:
  • Preparation of partial subscription requests
  • Execution of partial prepared subscription requests
  • Execution of partial direct subscription requests
You'll find all the documentation on the client page doc.
generated by graphql-java-generator
  • Constructor Details

    • TheSubscriptionTypeReactiveExecutorAllGraphQLCases2

      public TheSubscriptionTypeReactiveExecutorAllGraphQLCases2()
  • Method Details

    • execWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<TheSubscriptionType> execWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method takes a subscription full request definition, and executes it in reactive mode against the GraphQL server. It may only return one subscription's field.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above). It must ommit the query/mutation/subscription keyword, and start by the first { that follows.It may contain directives, as explained in the GraphQL specs.
      parameters - The map of values, for the bind variables defined in the query. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map. The key is the parameter name, as defined in the query (in the above sample: heroParam is an optional parameter and skip is a mandatory one). The value is the parameter vale in its Java type (for instance a Date for the GraphQLScalarTypeDate). The parameters which value is missing in this map will no be transmitted toward the GraphQL server.
      The SubscriptionClient that allows the caller to act on the subscribed subscription.
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • exec

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<TheSubscriptionType> exec(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method takes a subscription full request definition, and executes it in reactive mode against the GraphQL server. It may only return one subscription's field.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the query, in the native GraphQL format (see here above). It must ommit the query/mutation/subscription keyword, and start by the first { that follows.It may contain directives, as explained in the GraphQL specs.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      The SubscriptionClient that allows the caller to act on the subscribed subscription.
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • execWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<TheSubscriptionType> execWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method takes a subscription full request definition, and executes it in reactive mode against the GraphQL server. It may only return one subscription's field.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method or one of the getXxxxGraphQLRequest(String) methods.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the query. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      The SubscriptionClient that allows the caller to act on the subscribed subscription.
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • exec

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<TheSubscriptionType> exec(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method takes a subscription full request definition, and executes it in reactive mode against the GraphQL server. It may only return one subscription's field.
      It offers a logging of the call (if in debug mode), or of the call and its parameters (if in trace mode).
      Here is a sample on how to use it:
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method or one of the getXxxxGraphQLRequest(String) methods.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      The SubscriptionClient that allows the caller to act on the subscribed subscription.
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getResponseBuilder

      public Builder getResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for a full request, as expected by the exec and execWithBindValues methods.
    • getGraphQLRequest

      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for full request. For instance:
       GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 request = new GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2(fullRequest);
      fullRequest - The full GraphQL request, as specified in the GraphQL specification
    • subscribeNewHumanForEpisodeWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Human>> subscribeNewHumanForEpisodeWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Episode episode, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Will be notified for each Human added to this Episode
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial subscribeNewHumanForEpisode subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      episode - Parameter for the subscribeNewHumanForEpisode field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeNewHumanForEpisode

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Human>> subscribeNewHumanForEpisode(String queryResponseDef, Episode episode, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Will be notified for each Human added to this Episode
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      episode - Parameter for the subscribeNewHumanForEpisode field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeNewHumanForEpisodeWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Human>> subscribeNewHumanForEpisodeWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Episode episode, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Will be notified for each Human added to this Episode
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscribeNewHumanForEpisodeGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      episode - Parameter for the subscribeNewHumanForEpisode field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeNewHumanForEpisode

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Human>> subscribeNewHumanForEpisode(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Episode episode, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Will be notified for each Human added to this Episode
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscribeNewHumanForEpisodeGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      episode - Parameter for the subscribeNewHumanForEpisode field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getSubscribeNewHumanForEpisodeResponseBuilder

      public Builder getSubscribeNewHumanForEpisodeResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Will be notified for each Human added to this Episode
      Get the Builder for the Human, as expected by the subscribeNewHumanForEpisode subscription.
    • getSubscribeNewHumanForEpisodeGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getSubscribeNewHumanForEpisodeGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Will be notified for each Human added to this Episode
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the subscribeNewHumanForEpisode REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • subscribeToAListWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Integer>>> subscribeToAListWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 54
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial subscribeToAList subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeToAList

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Integer>>> subscribeToAList(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 54
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeToAListWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Integer>>> subscribeToAListWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Issue 54
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscribeToAListGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeToAList

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Integer>>> subscribeToAList(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Issue 54
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscribeToAListGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getSubscribeToAListResponseBuilder

      public Builder getSubscribeToAListResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 54
      Get the Builder for the Integer, as expected by the subscribeToAList subscription.
    • getSubscribeToAListGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getSubscribeToAListGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 54
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the subscribeToAList REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • subscribeToAListOfScalarsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Date>>> subscribeToAListOfScalarsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial subscribeToAListOfScalars subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeToAListOfScalars

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Date>>> subscribeToAListOfScalars(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeToAListOfScalarsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Date>>> subscribeToAListOfScalarsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscribeToAListOfScalarsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscribeToAListOfScalars

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<Date>>> subscribeToAListOfScalars(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscribeToAListOfScalarsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getSubscribeToAListOfScalarsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getSubscribeToAListOfScalarsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the Date, as expected by the subscribeToAListOfScalars subscription.
    • getSubscribeToAListOfScalarsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getSubscribeToAListOfScalarsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the subscribeToAListOfScalars REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • issue53WithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Date>> issue53WithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Date date, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      issue53 is about custom scalars as parameter for a query/mutation/subscription, that was not properly serialized/deserialized
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial issue53 subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      date - Parameter for the issue53 field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • issue53

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Date>> issue53(String queryResponseDef, Date date, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      issue53 is about custom scalars as parameter for a query/mutation/subscription, that was not properly serialized/deserialized
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      date - Parameter for the issue53 field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • issue53WithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Date>> issue53WithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Date date, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      issue53 is about custom scalars as parameter for a query/mutation/subscription, that was not properly serialized/deserialized
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getIssue53GraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      date - Parameter for the issue53 field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • issue53

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<Date>> issue53(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Date date, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      issue53 is about custom scalars as parameter for a query/mutation/subscription, that was not properly serialized/deserialized
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getIssue53GraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      date - Parameter for the issue53 field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getIssue53ResponseBuilder

      public Builder getIssue53ResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      issue53 is about custom scalars as parameter for a query/mutation/subscription, that was not properly serialized/deserialized
      Get the Builder for the Date, as expected by the issue53 subscription.
    • getIssue53GraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getIssue53GraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      issue53 is about custom scalars as parameter for a query/mutation/subscription, that was not properly serialized/deserialized
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the issue53 REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • allGraphQLCasesInputWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesInputWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, AllFieldCasesInput input, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Some subscriptions to test all kind of input parameters (to check proper serialization and deserialization)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial allGraphQLCasesInput subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      input - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • allGraphQLCasesInput

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesInput(String queryResponseDef, AllFieldCasesInput input, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Some subscriptions to test all kind of input parameters (to check proper serialization and deserialization)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      input - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • allGraphQLCasesInputWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesInputWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, AllFieldCasesInput input, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Some subscriptions to test all kind of input parameters (to check proper serialization and deserialization)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getAllGraphQLCasesInputGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      input - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • allGraphQLCasesInput

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesInput(ObjectResponse objectResponse, AllFieldCasesInput input, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Some subscriptions to test all kind of input parameters (to check proper serialization and deserialization)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getAllGraphQLCasesInputGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      input - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getAllGraphQLCasesInputResponseBuilder

      public Builder getAllGraphQLCasesInputResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Some subscriptions to test all kind of input parameters (to check proper serialization and deserialization)
      Get the Builder for the AllFieldCases, as expected by the allGraphQLCasesInput subscription.
    • getAllGraphQLCasesInputGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getAllGraphQLCasesInputGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Some subscriptions to test all kind of input parameters (to check proper serialization and deserialization)
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the allGraphQLCasesInput REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • allGraphQLCasesParamWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesParamWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, String id, String name, Long age, Integer integer, Date date, List<Date> dates, List<List<Double>> matrix, AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput oneWithoutIdSubtype, List<AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput> listWithoutIdSubtype, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial allGraphQLCasesParam subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      id - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      name - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      age - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      integer - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      date - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      dates - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      matrix - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      oneWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      listWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • allGraphQLCasesParam

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesParam(String queryResponseDef, String id, String name, Long age, Integer integer, Date date, List<Date> dates, List<List<Double>> matrix, AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput oneWithoutIdSubtype, List<AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput> listWithoutIdSubtype, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      id - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      name - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      age - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      integer - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      date - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      dates - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      matrix - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      oneWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      listWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • allGraphQLCasesParamWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesParamWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String id, String name, Long age, Integer integer, Date date, List<Date> dates, List<List<Double>> matrix, AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput oneWithoutIdSubtype, List<AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput> listWithoutIdSubtype, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getAllGraphQLCasesParamGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      id - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      name - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      age - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      integer - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      date - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      dates - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      matrix - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      oneWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      listWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • allGraphQLCasesParam

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<AllFieldCases>> allGraphQLCasesParam(ObjectResponse objectResponse, String id, String name, Long age, Integer integer, Date date, List<Date> dates, List<List<Double>> matrix, AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput oneWithoutIdSubtype, List<AllFieldCasesWithoutIdSubtypeInput> listWithoutIdSubtype, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getAllGraphQLCasesParamGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      id - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      name - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      age - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      integer - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      date - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      dates - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      matrix - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      oneWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      listWithoutIdSubtype - Parameter for the allGraphQLCasesParam field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getAllGraphQLCasesParamResponseBuilder

      public Builder getAllGraphQLCasesParamResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the AllFieldCases, as expected by the allGraphQLCasesParam subscription.
    • getAllGraphQLCasesParamGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getAllGraphQLCasesParamGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the allGraphQLCasesParam REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • subscriptionTestWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionTestWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, SubscriptionTestParam param, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException

      A dummy subscription, that allows to test errors (and other strange behavior), and their return to the subscription's client
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial subscriptionTest subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      param - Parameter for the subscriptionTest field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscriptionTest

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionTest(String queryResponseDef, SubscriptionTestParam param, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException

      A dummy subscription, that allows to test errors (and other strange behavior), and their return to the subscription's client
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      param - Parameter for the subscriptionTest field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscriptionTestWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionTestWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, SubscriptionTestParam param, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException

      A dummy subscription, that allows to test errors (and other strange behavior), and their return to the subscription's client
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscriptionTestGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      param - Parameter for the subscriptionTest field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscriptionTest

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionTest(ObjectResponse objectResponse, SubscriptionTestParam param, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException

      A dummy subscription, that allows to test errors (and other strange behavior), and their return to the subscription's client
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscriptionTestGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      param - Parameter for the subscriptionTest field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getSubscriptionTestResponseBuilder

      public Builder getSubscriptionTestResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException

      A dummy subscription, that allows to test errors (and other strange behavior), and their return to the subscription's client
      Get the Builder for the String, as expected by the subscriptionTest subscription.
    • getSubscriptionTestGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getSubscriptionTestGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException

      A dummy subscription, that allows to test errors (and other strange behavior), and their return to the subscription's client
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the subscriptionTest REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnEnumWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnEnumWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnEnum subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnEnum

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnEnum(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnEnumWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnEnumWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnEnumGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnEnum

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnEnum(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnEnumGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnEnumResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnEnumResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnEnum subscription.
    • getReturnEnumGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnEnumGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnEnum REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnMandatoryEnumWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnMandatoryEnumWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues _enum, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnMandatoryEnum subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      enum - Parameter for the returnMandatoryEnum field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryEnum

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnMandatoryEnum(String queryResponseDef, EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues _enum, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      enum - Parameter for the returnMandatoryEnum field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryEnumWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnMandatoryEnumWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues _enum, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnMandatoryEnumGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      enum - Parameter for the returnMandatoryEnum field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryEnum

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> returnMandatoryEnum(ObjectResponse objectResponse, EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues _enum, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnMandatoryEnumGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      enum - Parameter for the returnMandatoryEnum field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnMandatoryEnumResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnMandatoryEnumResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnMandatoryEnum subscription.
    • getReturnMandatoryEnumGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnMandatoryEnumGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnMandatoryEnum REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnListOfEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfEnumsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnListOfEnums subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfEnums(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfEnumsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfEnums(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnListOfEnumsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnListOfEnumsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnListOfEnums subscription.
    • getReturnListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnListOfEnums REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnListOfMandatoryEnums subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfMandatoryEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfMandatoryEnums(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfMandatoryEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnListOfMandatoryEnums(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnListOfMandatoryEnumsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnListOfMandatoryEnumsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnListOfMandatoryEnums subscription.
    • getReturnListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnListOfMandatoryEnums REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnListOfListOfEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>>> returnListOfListOfEnumsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnListOfListOfEnums subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfListOfEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>>> returnListOfListOfEnums(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfListOfEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>>> returnListOfListOfEnumsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnListOfListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnListOfListOfEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>>> returnListOfListOfEnums(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnListOfListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnListOfListOfEnumsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnListOfListOfEnumsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnListOfListOfEnums subscription.
    • getReturnListOfListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnListOfListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnListOfListOfEnums REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnMandatoryListOfEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfEnumsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnMandatoryListOfEnums subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryListOfEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfEnums(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryListOfEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfEnumsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnMandatoryListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryListOfEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfEnums(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnMandatoryListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnMandatoryListOfEnumsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnMandatoryListOfEnumsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnMandatoryListOfEnums subscription.
    • getReturnMandatoryListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnMandatoryListOfEnumsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnMandatoryListOfEnums REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getReturnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getReturnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getReturnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums subscription.
    • getReturnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getReturnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnumsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the returnMandatoryListOfMandatoryEnums REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • subscriptionWithNullResponseWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionWithNullResponseWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 122: Check Subscription behavior when notification response is null
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial subscriptionWithNullResponse subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscriptionWithNullResponse

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionWithNullResponse(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 122: Check Subscription behavior when notification response is null
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscriptionWithNullResponseWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionWithNullResponseWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Issue 122: Check Subscription behavior when notification response is null
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscriptionWithNullResponseGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • subscriptionWithNullResponse

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> subscriptionWithNullResponse(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Issue 122: Check Subscription behavior when notification response is null
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getSubscriptionWithNullResponseGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getSubscriptionWithNullResponseResponseBuilder

      public Builder getSubscriptionWithNullResponseResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 122: Check Subscription behavior when notification response is null
      Get the Builder for the String, as expected by the subscriptionWithNullResponse subscription.
    • getSubscriptionWithNullResponseGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getSubscriptionWithNullResponseGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue 122: Check Subscription behavior when notification response is null
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the subscriptionWithNullResponse REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      test for issue #139 (use of java reserved keyword)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      test for issue #139 (use of java reserved keyword)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      test for issue #139 (use of java reserved keyword)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>> enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      test for issue #139 (use of java reserved keyword)
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesResponseBuilder

      public Builder getEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      test for issue #139 (use of java reserved keyword)
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues subscription.
    • getEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      test for issue #139 (use of java reserved keyword)
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the enumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getListOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues>>> listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getListOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getListOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesResponseBuilder

      public Builder getListOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the EnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues, as expected by the listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues subscription.
    • getListOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getListOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValuesGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the listOfEnumWithReservedJavaKeywordAsValues REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • _ifWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _ifWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial if subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _if

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _if(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _ifWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _ifWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getIfGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _if

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _if(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getIfGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getIfResponseBuilder

      public Builder getIfResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the String, as expected by the if subscription.
    • getIfGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getIfGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the if REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • _implementsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _implementsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial implements subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _implements

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _implements(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _implementsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _implementsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getImplementsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _implements

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _implements(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getImplementsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getImplementsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getImplementsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the String, as expected by the implements subscription.
    • getImplementsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getImplementsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the implements REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • _nullWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _nullWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue #188: null is not identified as a java keyword
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial null subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _null

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _null(String queryResponseDef, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue #188: null is not identified as a java keyword
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _nullWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _nullWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Issue #188: null is not identified as a java keyword
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getNullGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • _null

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<String>> _null(ObjectResponse objectResponse, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Issue #188: null is not identified as a java keyword
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getNullGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getNullResponseBuilder

      public Builder getNullResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue #188: null is not identified as a java keyword
      Get the Builder for the String, as expected by the null subscription.
    • getNullGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getNullGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Issue #188: null is not identified as a java keyword
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the null REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • jsonWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>> jsonWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode json, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Test of JSON scalar, for issue #205
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial json subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      json - Parameter for the json field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • json

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>> json(String queryResponseDef, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode json, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Test of JSON scalar, for issue #205
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      json - Parameter for the json field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsonWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>> jsonWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode json, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Test of JSON scalar, for issue #205
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getJsonGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      json - Parameter for the json field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • json

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>> json(ObjectResponse objectResponse, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode json, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      Test of JSON scalar, for issue #205
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getJsonGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      json - Parameter for the json field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getJsonResponseBuilder

      public Builder getJsonResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Test of JSON scalar, for issue #205
      Get the Builder for the ObjectNode, as expected by the json subscription.
    • getJsonGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getJsonGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Test of JSON scalar, for issue #205
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the json REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • jsonsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>>> jsonsWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode> jsons, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial jsons subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      jsons - Parameter for the jsons field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsons

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>>> jsons(String queryResponseDef, List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode> jsons, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      jsons - Parameter for the jsons field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsonsWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>>> jsonsWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode> jsons, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getJsonsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      jsons - Parameter for the jsons field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsons

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>>> jsons(ObjectResponse objectResponse, List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode> jsons, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getJsonsGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      jsons - Parameter for the jsons field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getJsonsResponseBuilder

      public Builder getJsonsResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the ObjectNode, as expected by the jsons subscription.
    • getJsonsGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getJsonsGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the jsons REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • jsonsWithInputWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithJson>>> jsonsWithInputWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, List<InputWithJson> input, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial jsonsWithInput subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      input - Parameter for the jsonsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsonsWithInput

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithJson>>> jsonsWithInput(String queryResponseDef, List<InputWithJson> input, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      input - Parameter for the jsonsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsonsWithInputWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithJson>>> jsonsWithInputWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, List<InputWithJson> input, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getJsonsWithInputGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      input - Parameter for the jsonsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • jsonsWithInput

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithJson>>> jsonsWithInput(ObjectResponse objectResponse, List<InputWithJson> input, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getJsonsWithInputGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      input - Parameter for the jsonsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getJsonsWithInputResponseBuilder

      public Builder getJsonsWithInputResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the TypeWithJson, as expected by the jsonsWithInput subscription.
    • getJsonsWithInputGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getJsonsWithInputGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the jsonsWithInput REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation
    • objectsWithInputWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithObject>>> objectsWithInputWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, List<InputWithObject> input, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial objectsWithInput subscription against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      input - Parameter for the objectsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • objectsWithInput

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithObject>>> objectsWithInput(String queryResponseDef, List<InputWithObject> input, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      queryResponseDef - The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
      input - Parameter for the objectsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestPreparationException - When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the ObjectResponse
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • objectsWithInputWithBindValues

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithObject>>> objectsWithInputWithBindValues(ObjectResponse objectResponse, List<InputWithObject> input, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getObjectsWithInputGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      input - Parameter for the objectsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      parameters - The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable in the defined Query, this argument may be null or an empty Map
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • objectsWithInput

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Optional<List<TypeWithObject>>> objectsWithInput(ObjectResponse objectResponse, List<InputWithObject> input, Object... paramsAndValues) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
      This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the part of the subscription that is after the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this subscription.
      You must also provide a callback instance of the SubscriptionCallback, and the parameter for the subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter boardName (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
      objectResponse - The definition of the response format, that describes what the GraphQL server is expected to return
      Note: the ObjectResponse type of this parameter is defined for backward compatibility. In new implementations, the expected type is the generated GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 POJO, as returned by the getObjectsWithInputGraphQLRequest(java.lang.String) method.
      input - Parameter for the objectsWithInput field of TheSubscriptionType, as defined in the GraphQL schema
      paramsAndValues - This parameter contains all the name and values for the Bind Variables defined in the objectResponse parameter, that must be sent to the server. Optional parameter may not have a value. They will be ignored and not sent to the server. Mandatory parameter must be provided in this argument.
      This parameter contains an even number of parameters: it must be a series of name and values : (paramName1, paramValue1, paramName2, paramValue2...)
      GraphQLRequestExecutionException - When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
    • getObjectsWithInputResponseBuilder

      public Builder getObjectsWithInputResponseBuilder() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the Builder for the TypeWithObject, as expected by the objectsWithInput subscription.
    • getObjectsWithInputGraphQLRequest

      public GraphQLReactiveRequestAllGraphQLCases2 getObjectsWithInputGraphQLRequest(String partialRequest) throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
      Get the GraphQLRequestAllGraphQLCases2 for the objectsWithInput REACTIVE_EXECUTOR, created with the given Partial request.
      partialRequest - The Partial GraphQL request, as explained in the plugin client documentation