Interface DataFetchersDelegateMutationType

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DataFetchersDelegateMutationType
This interface contains the fata fetchers that are delegated in the bean that the implementation has to provide, when fetching fields for the MutationType GraphQL type, as defined in the provided GraphQL schema. Please read the wiki server page for more information on this.
generated by graphql-java-generator
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addFriend(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, String idCharacter, String idNewFriend)
    This method loads the data for MutationType.addFriend.
    createHuman(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, String name, String homePlanet)
    This method loads the data for MutationType.createHuman.
  • Method Details

    • createHuman

      Human createHuman(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, String name, String homePlanet)
      This method loads the data for MutationType.createHuman.
      dataFetchingEnvironment - The GraphQL DataFetchingEnvironment. It gives you access to the full GraphQL context for this DataFetcher
      name - The input parameter sent in the query by the GraphQL consumer, as defined in the GraphQL schema.
      homePlanet - The input parameter sent in the query by the GraphQL consumer, as defined in the GraphQL schema.
      NoSuchElementException - This method may return a NoSuchElementException exception. In this case, the exception is trapped by the calling method, and the return is consider as null. This allows to use the Optional.get() method directly, without caring of whether or not there is a value. The generated code will take care of the NoSuchElementException exception.
    • addFriend

      Character addFriend(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment, String idCharacter, String idNewFriend)
      This method loads the data for MutationType.addFriend.
      dataFetchingEnvironment - The GraphQL DataFetchingEnvironment. It gives you access to the full GraphQL context for this DataFetcher
      idCharacter - The input parameter sent in the query by the GraphQL consumer, as defined in the GraphQL schema.
      idNewFriend - The input parameter sent in the query by the GraphQL consumer, as defined in the GraphQL schema.
      NoSuchElementException - This method may return a NoSuchElementException exception. In this case, the exception is trapped by the calling method, and the return is consider as null. This allows to use the Optional.get() method directly, without caring of whether or not there is a value. The generated code will take care of the NoSuchElementException exception.