Package com.graphql_java_generator.annotation
package com.graphql_java_generator.annotation
All annotations used by the GraphQL-generator client part
ClassDescriptionThis annotation contains the information for a directive that was applied to a GraphQL item in the GraphQL schema used to generate the code.List of all directives that apply to this GraphQL type, field or parameterThis annotation marks the type, field or method as a non GraphQL one.This class indicates that this field has at least one input parameter.This annotation marks all generated classes that are generated to match a GraphQL input type, as defined in the GraphQL schema.This annotation marks all fields in the generated classes, that are non scalar.This annotation marks all generated classes that are queries/mutations/subscription, as defined in the GraphQL schema.This annotation marks all fields in the generated classes, that are standard GraphQL scalar.List of the three GraphQL kind of requests: query, mutation and subscription