Serialized Form

  • Package com.graphql_java_generator.plugin.conf

    • Class com.graphql_java_generator.plugin.conf.CustomScalarDefinition

      class CustomScalarDefinition extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • graphQLScalarTypeClass
          String graphQLScalarTypeClass
          The full class name for the GraphQLScalarType that will manage this Custom Scalar. For instance: com.graphql_java_generator.customscalars.GraphQLScalarTypeDate.
          You must provide exactly one of: graphQLScalarTypeClass, graphQLScalarTypeStaticField and graphQLScalarTypeGetter.
        • graphQLScalarTypeGetter
          String graphQLScalarTypeGetter
          The full class name followed by the static method name that returns the GraphQLScalarType that will manage this Custom Scalar. For instance: org.mycompany.MyScalars.getGraphQLLong(). This call may contain parameters. Provided that this a valid java command
          You must provide exactly one of: graphQLScalarTypeClass, graphQLScalarTypeStaticField and graphQLScalarTypeGetter.
        • graphQLScalarTypeStaticField
          String graphQLScalarTypeStaticField
          The full class name followed by the static field name that contains the GraphQLScalarType that will manage this Custom Scalar. For instance: graphql.Scalars.GraphQLLong.
          You must provide exactly one of: graphQLScalarTypeClass, graphQLScalarTypeStaticField and graphQLScalarTypeGetter.
        • graphQLTypeName
          String graphQLTypeName
          The type name, as defined in the GraphQL schema, for instance "Date"
        • javaType
          String javaType
          The full class name for the java type that contains the data for this type, once in the Java code