Interface Directive

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Directive
Contains getter for the attributes of a GraphQL directive definition.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Field
    getArgument(String argumentName)
    Returns the argument that matches the given argument name
    A directive may have arguments.
    Returns the comments that have been found before this object, in the provided GraphQL schema
    Returns the description for this object, in the provided GraphQL schema
    Returns the list of location that this directive may have
    The name of the directive
    Returns true if this directive is a standard GraphQL directive, or if it has been defined in the GraphQL schema
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the directive
    • getArguments

      List<Field> getArguments()
      A directive may have arguments. An argument is actually a field.
    • getArgument

      default Field getArgument(String argumentName) throws NoSuchFieldException
      Returns the argument that matches the given argument name
      argumentName -
      NoSuchFieldException - If the directive has no such argument
      NullPointerException - If argumentName is null
    • getComments

      List<String> getComments()
      Returns the comments that have been found before this object, in the provided GraphQL schema
    • getDescription

      Description getDescription()
      Returns the description for this object, in the provided GraphQL schema
    • getDirectiveLocations

      List<DirectiveLocation> getDirectiveLocations()
      Returns the list of location that this directive may have
    • isStandard

      boolean isStandard()
      Returns true if this directive is a standard GraphQL directive, or if it has been defined in the GraphQL schema